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+1 809-965-6474


We use cookies to provide you with a better service and to provide you with a better browsing experience, as well as to be able to show you advertising based on your browsing habits. We are responsible for the installation of the cookies we use and for what we do with the data we obtain, whether they are our own or third-party cookies.

In the following table you will find links to facilitate your access to the points of this policy that are of interest to you, however we recommend that you read it in its entirety:

  1. What are cookies and what else is stored in the browser?
  2. Are they dangerous?
  3. Technical and preference cookies have more benefits than risks
  4. Statistical cookies DO NOT pose an appreciable risk.
  5. First-party cookies do not usually pose an appreciable risk to you either.
  6. Which technical cookies do we use and for what purpose?
  7. Which preference cookies do we use and for what purpose?
  8. Which statistical cookies do we use and for what purpose?
  9. Which marketing cookies do we use and for what purpose?
  10. How can I manage or disable cookies? Changes to this Privacy Policy

Cookies are small text files that are stored in your browser when you visit our website. These files contain information about your browsing and interaction with our website, in order to make your user experience more efficient and to be able to show you advertising based on your browsing habits. Some cookies are essential for the proper functioning of our website, such as technical cookies or user interface customisation cookies, and others, such as analysis cookies or behavioural advertising (or marketing) cookies, require that we inform you and that you give us your consent before we can use them.

LocalStorage and SessionStorage are two data storage spaces located in your device's browser and, like cookies, can be either proprietary (when created by our own website) or third party (when created by our service providers or our partners). The difference between the two spaces is that LocalStorage stores information indefinitely or until you decide to clear the data from your browser, whereas SessionStorage stores information for as long as the tab where you are using our website remains open and, once closed, the information is deleted. The difference with cookies is that SessionStorage allows you to store more information than cookies without impacting the performance of our website.

In general, the level of risk of cookies depends on the type of cookie, and whether they are first-party or third-party cookies. Most cookies are not dangerous. Specifically:

Technical and preference cookies have more benefits than risks

The Article 29 Working Party (former WG29 and current European Data Protection Committee) in its Opinion 4/2012, "on the exemption from the consent requirement for cookies", considers that they do not pose a risk for you and exempts from the obligation to obtain consent prior to their use all cookies that:

- are necessary because communications are transmitted over a network between the user and the servers hosting the website, and to all those that - are necessary to provide a specific functionality explicitly requested by the user.

This exemption from the obligation to base the lawfulness of their use on your consent, as they do not represent a risk for you, is also reflected in the cookie guides published by most of the Data Protection Agencies of the EU countries (for example, in the case of Spain, it is included in section 4.1 of the guide on the use of cookies, dated July 2020).

WG29 even defined the purposes that it explicitly considers to present more benefits than risks for you:

Cookie purposes explicitly excluded from informed consent

As regards their purpose, the WG29 explicitly excludes the following cookies from the obligation to obtain the visitor's informed consent:

  • So-called "user input" cookies, which are typically used to track the user's actions when filling in online forms in an http session, or to remember the shopping basket that the user has selected in an e-commerce),
  • Session cookies that are used for user authentication or identification, which store a kind of token (witnessing that the user is who they say they are and have already been authenticated) to prevent this user from having to give their username or password on every page they request and have restricted access control,
  • User security cookies, introduced specifically to reinforce the security of the service explicitly requested by the user. For example, to detect incorrect and repeated attempts to connect to a website, or abuse,
  • Media player session cookies,
  • Session cookies to balance the load on information systems,
  • User interface customisation cookies, such as to remember your language preference, and certain plug-in cookies for sharing social content.

In general, in those cases where a website offers its visitors a service, in order to use cookies exclusively for the purposes for which consent is not required, listed above, whether they are our own or those of third parties, it will not be necessary for the website operator, us, to inform the visitor of their use or to obtain their consent.

Statistical cookies DO NOT pose an appreciable risk.

With regard to the processing of data collected through analytical cookies, the aforementioned opinion of the current European Data Protection Committee stated that, although they are not exempt from the duty to obtain consent for their use, they are unlikely to represent a risk to users' privacy provided that they are own cookies, that they process aggregated data for strictly statistical purposes, that information is provided on their uses and that the possibility for users to express their refusal on their use is included.

First-party cookies do not usually pose any appreciable risk to you either.

Our own cookies are generated by our website, whereas third-party cookies are generated by services or providers that are independent from us, and it is these independent providers who define the purposes and means of the processing they carry out.

Our only responsibility with respect to third party cookies is the necessary cooperation of our website in the placement of these cookies on your computer, placement to which we will normally be obliged to be necessary to be able to use the services provided to us by third party fingers (for example, to check that you are not a robot of these that abound on the Internet, and thus avoid that requests or comments that could send us through the forms on our website harm the attention of the real ones).

Technical cookies are those that allow the user to navigate through a website, platform or application as well as the use of the different options or services that exist on it, including the management and operation of the website and the enabling of its functions and services (for example, identifying your session, accessing parts of the website that have restricted access, remembering the elements that make up your order, carrying out the purchase process of your order, managing your payment, etc.). The website or app cannot function properly without these cookies, which is why they are considered necessary.

In our particular case, we use the following:

NameSupplier / DomainExpirationDescription
currency.villavalentinacapbonita.com1 monthUsed to remember the selected currency.


1 monthThe Cookie-Script.com service uses this cookie to remember visitors' cookie consent preferences. It is necessary for the Cookie-Script.com cookie banner to work properly.

Preference or personalisation cookies allow our website to remember information that changes the way our pages behave or look in order to differentiate your experience from that of other users. For example, we usually remember the language in which you want to view our website. If you voluntarily choose these features, for example, by marking the flag or letters that identify the language, it is considered a service expressly requested by you as long as the cookies obey exclusively for the purpose of personalisation, for which in this case it would not be necessary to ask for your explicit authorisation.

Our website uses the following preference cookies:

NameSupplier / DomainExpirationDescription


2 yearsThis cookie name is associated with Google Universal Analytics, which is a significant upgrade to Google's most widely used analytics service. This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a customer identifier. It is included in each page request on a site and is used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for site analytics reporting.


1 dayThis cookie is set by Google Analytics. It stores and updates a unique value for each page visited and is used to count and track page views.

Statistical or analysis cookies are those that allow us to understand how visitors interact with the pages of our website and thus perform statistical analysis of the services we provide. The information collected is used to measure activity on our site in order to make improvements to the products and services we offer you.

We will only use analytics cookies if you authorise us to do so by clicking on the relevant button in the cookie banner or via your settings menu.

Specifically, our website uses the following analytics cookies:

NameSupplier / DomainExpirationDescription


3 monthsUsed by Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products, such as real-time offers from external advertisers.


1 yearThis cookie is set by Doubleclick and carries information about how the end-user uses the website and any advertising the end-user has seen before visiting that website.


15 minutesDoubleClick (which is owned by Google) sets this cookie to determine whether the website visitor's browser supports cookies.

Please note that although the purpose of the third-party cookies we use, for which we are responsible, is as indicated in the table above, these third parties may use the data collected by their cookies for other purposes for which they are solely responsible. In the case of third party cookies, our responsibility for the purposes of the third parties is limited to the downloading of the cookies on your device (the one that you trash for the purpose indicated above). You can find out about the purposes of these third parties, and whether or not they make transfers to third countries in their respective policies (see the links in the table).

For example, we use cookies from the Google Analytics service, from Google Ireland Ltd, to extract aggregate statistics. This means that the cookies can also send the information they collect to Google Ireland Ltd. To avoid this, we recommend that you install the add-on designed by Google itself in your browser to prevent the data collected by these cookies from being sent to Google. This add-on does not prevent your browser from sending the data to our website, but it does prevent Google from sending it to you.

You can find out more about how Google uses your data by visiting the following Google pages:

- Google Privacy and Terms

- Safeguarding your data

Marketing or behavioural advertising cookies store information on user behaviour obtained through the continuous observation of your browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to show relevant and attractive ads to the individual user, and therefore more valuable to third-party advertisers.

We will only use marketing cookies if you give us permission to do so by clicking on the relevant button in the cookie banner or via your settings menu.

Specifically, our website uses those listed in the table below:

NameSupplier / DomainExpirationDescription
_ga_5ZRQBDDKKJMXvillavalentinacapbonita.com2 years 
res_pushedvillavalentinacapbonita.com1 month 
jrvvillavalentinacapbonita.com1 month 
fb_eventidvillavalentinacapbonita.com10 minutes

You can administer, manage and deactivate the cookies used by our website at any time from your browser, for example, to withdraw your consent, following the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your browser:

- Instructions for Microsoft Edge

- Instructions for Google Chrome

- Instructions for Google Android

- Instructions for Internet Explorer 11

- Instructions for Mozilla Firefox

- Instructions for Opera

- Instructions for Safari

If you deactivate the installation of cookies in your browser, you will be able to continue accessing our website, but your browsing experience may not be optimal and some of the services offered may not work correctly.

We will update this Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect changes to our products and services.

If there are material changes to this policy we will notify you before they come into effect by posting a prominent notice in the cookies banner. In any event, we recommend that you periodically review this Cookie Policy to see which cookies we use and how we use them.